This is a statement of simple truth, yet it may be the single most important statement enabling you to create change in your life or stay doing the same old same old again and again. Change is an inevitability. Like the day and night following each other in the precession of time, we are either for and into change or we are battling against it, with all our vigour.
When the latter occurs, pain is the inevitable outcome on some level or other. Our resistance or support of pain allows us to cope with the results that we create for ourselves. Self growth is, you might say, painfully slow. Although experience is the great arbiter of growth, it need not necessarily have to be painful and difficult. Self Growth thus becomes the decision benchmark we allow our choice to choose from.
Larry Wilson, the creator of the Great Game of Life talks about the P.R.O.C.E.S.S of change. in terms of Hindsight - perception, response and observation, Insight - through challenges and Foresight - envisioning, selecting the solution and starting on the mental attainment of the process of change.
If you are interested in creating magnificent change in your life and allowing self growth to flourish in your garden of Life, then think about a workshop where the basics and tools enabling Self Growth are provided to set yourself on the path to freedom from the past and all their blocks.
Join a trip to the Altai region
where change is initiated at great momentum
other useful sites for self change:
Self change experts Bank
"We weave our being into existence, accepting the weft and woof life gifts us" Virve Viigand
Foundation Practitioner
The Course is for anyone who would like to bring massage and the art of touch into their lives perhaps with an eye toward a professional qualification or just as a great way to share healing with family and friends read more...
This course is for massage practitioners who already have the basic knowledge and qualifications of massage, anatomy and physiology. Read more...
The Course is for qualified Altai Massage™ practitioners who can demonstrate a sufficient portfolio of case studies using the basic techniques.
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A training for Life Health and the Advancement of Human Beingness see more....
Touch is human communication in action, through the body's individual and collective parts and love.
Healing starts from the Heart see more...
The magical, unspoilt jewel lying at the heart of Central Asia.
When The Divine created the World
Altai was asked to be the testament to Her Beauty find out more...
The therapeutic and life-enhancing benefits of Altai Massage™
Nature's own nurture through touch and communication
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