Commissioning Us

on Virve

We are happy to hear from you if you wish to work with us on either refurbishments of a treasured piece or whether you would like us to source a particular piece of furniture and decide together a particular colour sceme.  Perhaps you just need to work with us to develop a desired colour fit.

We have a great range of materials and ideas to help you.

As for creating a specifically tailored teddy bear to match needs, we are happy to discuss and suggest solutions so do not be afraid to ask.

Just fill in a contact details below and we can get things moving!

Use this form to request commissioning discussions,  


We endeavour to return your contact within 48 hours

For general enquiries use this form
For trade enquiries use this form
For bodywork use this form
For self sculpting use this form
For press/media use this form
For feedback use this form